Marketing’s power and changing roles: Your Marketing Week
At the end of every week, we look at the key stories, offering our view on what they mean for you and the industry. From the changing nature of the top marketing job at Very and Innocent to what CEOs need from marketers, it’s been a busy week. Here is my take.
Reason to believe
“We’re the only part of business whose main job, complete job, is to understand where the hell humanity is going and how we can develop our business to fit that.”
A colourful assertion from Cheryl Calverley, former Eve Sleep CMO and CEO. Calverley was speaking at Marketing Week’s Leadership Summit this week, a one-day event for marketing bosses. The topic of the first session was ‘What your CEO needs from you’, where three CMOs turned CEOs, Calverley included, offered their thoughts on what CMOs need to “stop, start and keep” doing in order, yes, to progress, but more importantly, flourish.