Roblox on its vision for ‘blurring the lines’ between digital and physical
Despite its rampant growth and huge popularity among Gen Z, Roblox is yet to make a profit, something it is looking to remedy by diversifying its revenue streams.
There is no shortage of brands that boomed during the pandemic and struggled to maintain momentum once things returned to normal. Roblox, though, is an exception and has captured its young audience with its simple, yet deceptively deep, proposition.
The brand was launched nearly 18 years ago but its popularity has rocketed in recent years. Yet there remains some mystery, particularly among those who don’t fall into the Gen Z or Gen Alpha brackets, about exactly what it is. Is it a metaverse? Well, kind of. Is it a video game? It has video games, sure, but it isn’t solely defined by them. A social media network? Of sorts, yes.