Creative quality, brand influence: 5 interesting stats from Language of Effectiveness 2024
From creative analysis and quality, to tactics and brand advertising, Marketing Week’s Language of Effectiveness data highlights what’s rising up the agenda.
B2C marketers and large organisations are most likely to measure creative effectiveness
Creative effectiveness is fast rising up the marketing agenda and marketers are increasingly putting measures in place to demonstrate success.
In 2024, an overwhelming majority (86.3%) of the more than 1,200 marketers taking part in Marketing Week’s 2024 Language of Effectiveness survey say they have analysis in place to measure creative effectiveness, compared to just 12.2% who do not.
With time, resource and expertise cited as key barriers to implementing creative effectiveness measures, it is perhaps no surprise that marketers at large companies (90.5%) – with more capacity and budget – are more likely to have analysis in place for measuring creative effectiveness.